15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Beavers - Games Night

11th June 2021, 18:00 - 19:00


Drop off: 6:00 pm at the bridge on Mid-Road Eaglesham.

Collection: 7:00 pm at the bridge on Mid-Road Eaglesham.

One Way System: To minimise congestion and need for kids to cross the road, please operate a one way system for drop off and collection if driving, arriving via Polnoon Street, drop off / collect kids at the bridge and leave via Montgomery Street

What to wear: Must wear a neckie (can buy for £10 if you don’t have yet). If they have uniform please also wear. Outdoor clothing suitable for the days weather. If it’s very sunny please put sun tan lotion on in advance.

What to bring: Water bottle with child’s name. Any required medication in a bag with child’s name.

Social Distancing: Children will require to social distance from the leaders (but not each other) so please tell kids in advance not to approach.

Hygiene: Kids will need to sanitise their hands at the start of the night. If kids cannot use normal hand sanitiser due to allergy please let the leaders know and bring their own.

Facilities: There aren’t any! We’ll be outdoors the whole time with no access to toilets so please make sure kids take a visit to the loo in advance!

Parent Helpers: We require one parent helper on 14th and 21st of May, and two parent helpers on 4th, 11th and 18th of June so please let me know if you can help out (it’s good fun!). Please text / email Scott to volunteer. Please note that Parent helpers can only help with one section of the Scout Group during the term.

Cancellation: If weather is particularly bad or we cannot get enough leaders we may need to cancel. An email will be sent 1 hour in advance so please check your emails before leaving.

Leader Contact: Scott - 07792 942 338, Jacqueline – 07917 808 805

Cost: £5 for the term, to be paid on first night

Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
7th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - chef badge make sweet/savoury tart
10th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
10th February 2025

Cubs - International Badge
11th February 2025

Beavers - No Meeting School Holiday
14th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - No Meeting School Holiday
17th February 2025

Scouts - No Meeting
18th February 2025

Cubs - No Meeting School Holiday
18th February 2025

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