15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Support your Scout

Scouting UK encourages you to support your child involvement in Scouts so they can get the most from their experience.


  • You deliver and collect your child at the appropriate times. Your leader will let you know in advance of any changes to the normal times and places. ALWAYS check that an adult leader has arrived before you leave your child. Please let you leader know if some one different from usual will be collecting your child. Come in to the hall to collect your child unless written permission form you is provide to let them go home them selves (this need to be given each year to the leaders). Scouts are never left unsupervised, but if you persistently late your leader may ask that you make other safe arrangements for your child to be collected.
  • Your child wears suitable clothing and footwear for activates. Your Leader will let you know in advance of any particular requirements for an activity.(this will be on the programs given out to your child for each term)
  • You return forms and payment on time. If you have difficulty completing forms or making payment, please talk to the leader who will treat what you say in confidence.
  • You inform your leader of any additional needs your child may have and any medication they requires, e.g. inhalers. (All the information to be put on the permission forms at the begging of the year and remember to tell the leaders of any changes though out the year). All information will be treated in confidence and only shared with other leaders if felt needed.
  • You inform your leader of any changes in the family situation that is likely to affect your child behaviour. It is not necessary to give details, but just ensure that the leader is aware. All information will be treated in confidence and only shared with other leaders if felt needed.

    Any Confidential information will be used sensitively to ensure your child gains the maximum enjoyment and benefit from going in Scouts. If there are any matters which may affect your child participation, please discuss with your leader.

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