15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Hardship Policy

15th Glasgow Scout Group Hardship Policy 

The Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring that the finances of the group are secure. We work hard to ensure that our subscription fees are fair and reasonable and allow for an exciting array of activities for our sections all year round. We appreciate that at times there will be families who experience hardship and as such the executive committee has developed this policy which provides options to those who request support.

Membership Subscriptions 
Any request for financial support should be directed to the section leader who will complete the proforma below and notify the group scout leader or a member of the executive committee. The committee will review each application on a case by case basis with the final decision resting with the group scout leader to approve or decline.
There are a number of options that can be offered to support, and the one chosen will depend on the details presented by the applicant.
• Staged payment: Rather than pay the bi-annual subscription fee in one lump sum, the value can be spread across a number of months. The value will depend on the number of children and to which section(s) they belong.
• Deferred payment: Bi-annual subscription fees can be deferred for up to one semester, provided the applicant can demonstrate that they are able to demonstrate a change in their circumstances within 6 months.
• Reduced payment: In extreme cases a reduction in fees may be offered. This will only be offered to children who have been with the group for three years or greater with an outstanding record of good behavior and attendance. A reduction of no more than 50% will be offered per child and in every instance the annual capitation fee to be paid to Scout Headquarters must be covered.
Section Camps and other External Activities
Support and funding for camps and other activities away from our hall will be reviewed on a case by case basis. The executive committee believes that all our children should be entitled to the same scouting experience and as such requests for subsidised camps and activities will be considered.
Internal Use

The options offered will mirror those of subscription fees above, with the group scout leader having the final say in the approval process.

At present, the Executive Committee does not offer subsidies for uniforms.
Commitment to Scouting
As part of an approved application there must be a commitment from the individual(s) to keep up good attendance within their section. We expect impeccable behavior and to support their section leaders and fellow scouts with the utmost respect. Should this not be adhered to, funding and support may subsequently be withdrawn, or any future requests rejected without consideration.

Evidence of Hardship
To allow the Executive Committee to best make judgment on the type of support to offer, sight of
providing evidence of entitlement to the following may be requested:
• Income support
• Income-based jobseekers allowance
• Universal credit
• Working tax credit
• Housing benefit
• Any other income related support documentation

Information relating to individual hardship cases is often highly sensitive and shall be treated in strictest confidence. Any record of discussion of a hardship case at Executive level will be reported in a confidential minute, separate to the normal minutes, and will consist only of a record that a particular amendment has been agreed without the reason for that amendment. The request form will be securely destroyed within 28 days of a decision being made. The number of people involved in consideration of a hardship case shall be kept to a minimum.

Policy approved at AGM 


Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
7th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - chef badge make sweet/savoury tart
10th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
10th February 2025

Cubs - International Badge
11th February 2025

Beavers - No Meeting School Holiday
14th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - No Meeting School Holiday
17th February 2025

Scouts - No Meeting
18th February 2025

Cubs - No Meeting School Holiday
18th February 2025

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