15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Attendance Policy

We are a very active Scout Group that strives to keep young people engaged in all activities that we do, with camps and many extra activities during the year. As we are so active, we have a large waiting list of young people wanting to attend. As a result, we have to apply a Group Policy on Attendance.
Keep in touch

If members are not going to attend a planned section meeting, then parents/carers need to inform us in advance. Messages about absence can be given by any of the standard methods used for communications with the section leadership team eg phone, text, facebook messenger or whatsapp message. This should be done at the earliest possible time.

Regular attendance
Patchy attendance means that young people miss out on achieving badges, makes it more difficult to build relationships and a positive group dynamic, and creates problems for leaders who have spent much of their own personal time planning activities based on full attendance.
As a minimum, we would expect 75% attendance during a semester unless their section leader is aware of a valid reason. Whilst we appreciate that young people are busy and have other activities and commitments, it is also not fair on those waiting patiently on the waiting list for a place that is not fully utilised by a current member.

Irregular attendance
At the end of each semester, members with attendance below 75% without a known and valid reason will be contacted to check whether they wish to return to the group. Members with attendance below 60% without a known and valid reason will not be invited to rejoin the group for the following semester.
In the event that a member has missed three consecutive weeks of planned section meetings, without letting us know of a valid reason, the section leadership team will contact the member’s parent/ carer to check whether they wish to return to the group. At this point, in the absence of an agreed plan to return to the group, the member’s place in the group may be forfeited. The member’s parent/ carer can request a partial refund of subscriptions pre-paid from this point to the end of the semester by contacting the Group Scout Leader.

Approved by Executive Committee

Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
17th January 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Cubs - World Membership Badge Activity
21st January 2025

Explorers- help run Cubs
21st January 2025

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
21st January 2025

Beavers - International Activity Badge / Burns Night
24th January 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Scouts – hike at wind farm
28th January 2025

Cubs - Our World Challenge
28th January 2025

Explorers- Hike @ wind farm
28th January 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

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