15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Admissions Policy

The intention of this admissions policy is to ensure that the admission of members into the group and management of waiting lists conform with the regulations laid out in Scouting regulations and are seen to be fair when applied consistently.
Scouting for all

The Scout Association is an inclusive, values-based Movement, which supports its members to engage with spirituality in an exciting and meaningful way. Our Values are:
Integrity - We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
Respect - We have self-respect and respect for others.
Care - We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
Belief - We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes.
Co-operation - We make a positive difference; we co-operate with others and make friends.
This means we are made up of Members of different faiths, including those with no faith, and identify ourselves with no one faith exclusively. Membership is open to all those individuals who share the values, and are willing to make a commitment to them, expressed by the Promise and Law. Different versions of the Promise are available to suit different faiths or those who have no affirmed faith.
If a young person has special needs, any reasonable adjustments that may be required will be discussed with the young person’s parent/ carer before any decision is made by the Group in relation to admission. Admission may not be possible, or may be possible on the basis of a trial period. It should be noted that the Scout Group cannot offer one to one care during meetings and if this is required, the expectation is that the parent/carer will provide this extra support.
Membership of the Group is open to boys and girls in all sections.

Section Membership Numbers
The maximum number of members in each section shall be set by the Group Executive Committee in consultation with the section leaders and respecting the limits defined in POR.
The 15th Glasgow Scout Group is an extremely popular and successful group, and it is normal for the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer sections within the group to run at full capacity. As a result, entry numbers to

all sections have to be managed to ensure an even spread of age groups and Scouting experience within each section, to maintain a positive group dynamic and to avoid creating surges in pack or troop numbers at a later date.

The 15th Glasgow Scout Group is run entirely by volunteers; therefore it is our expectation that members’ families should fully engage in supporting the leadership team with the organisation and delivery of activities and fundraising events.

Admissions criteria
Admissions from the waiting list into sections shall only be taken after consideration to ensure that places will remain available to accommodate existing sections’ members when they move up from other sections.

When the number of Young People on the waiting list exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied (in this order) when vacancies arise:-

- Young people moving into the area who are already part of the Scouting Movement.

- General waiting list applicants. Waiting list applicants will be offered a place, taking into account their time on the waiting list and the impact on the other sections. Young people who do not receive a place in the Section they have applied to will be transferred to the next section’s waiting list and placed into the waiting list according to the length of time they have already spent.

- Re-admission of former members who left the group on good terms within the previous six months, where possible and at the discretion of the relevant Section Leader and Group Scout Leader.

- If a parent is or becomes a uniformed Leader/Executive Committee member with key roles within one of the Sections in the Group. At the discretion of the Group Scout Leader, this may be applied in the case of a parent who commits to being a permanent helper. Our priority is to provide enthusiastic adult leadership in each section enabling us to run a balanced and exciting programme for our young people. We are always recruiting new leaders and therefore offer priority to children of leaders and committee members.

Admissions to the sections will normally occur at the beginning of each semester. Exceptions can be made by arrangement with the section leader.

Handling of Membership Enquiries
All enquiries for membership will be via email to 21stglasgowbeavers@gmail.com or via the admissions form on the Group or central Scouts websites. You will then be formally contacted by the Group Admissions Co-ordinator and if no immediate place is available, then parents will be given the opportunity to place their child on the waiting list. Parents must formally advise the Group Admissions Co-ordinator that they would like their child put on the waiting list. Parents will have 3 weeks to do this

from the initial contact regarding a place/waiting list offer from the Group Admissions Co-ordinator. If no further communication is received from the parent within this timeframe, then no further action will be taken by the Group Admissions Co-ordinator and the place will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
Please be aware that casual conversations with Leaders, or even seemingly formal agreements, regarding getting children on the Group waiting list are not relevant or valid. The only way to place your child on the waiting list is to make contact as stated above.
If a parent wishes to appeal a decision made in relation to this policy they are invited to put forward their case to the Group Scout Leader to make a final decision.

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