15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Safe Scouting

The Safety policy of The Scout Association explains that it is the responsibility of all those involved in Scouting to seek, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that:

- All activities are conducted in a safe manner without risk to the health of participants;
- The provision and maintenance of equipment and buildings for members and others is safe and without risk to health and adequate for their welfare;
- Information, instruction, training and supervision is provided with the object of ensuring the health  and safety of all those involved in Scouting activities or who may be affected by them; and
- Appropriate arrangements are made to ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, transport, storage and handling of equipment, and substances which are inherently or potentially dangerous.

Within our Group, the key elements of our local Safe Scouting Policy are overseen by the Group’s Executive Committee:

- Safe selection of adult volunteers including necessary checks relating to Protection of Vulnerable Groups;
- Supporting our adult volunteers to complete safeguarding and first aid training as quickly as possible;
- Training in risk assessment and provision of safety related guidance for adult volunteers;
- Completion of necessary checks for the Scout Hall and equipment;
- Completion of specific risk assessments for activities within the programme where appropriate;
- Recording and learning from any accidents and near misses;
- Explaining their responsibilities relating to safety to members and their families; and
-  Providing a clear point of contact for members or families to express any concerns.

The Group Executive Committee reviews the position related to safety regularly and at its Annual General Meeting as a minimum.

Approved by Executive Committee

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