15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group

Camp booking form 2022

Scout Name




     Estimated cost


Friday 6th to 

Sunday 8th May 2022

         Camping in tents    



Please tick and enclose in the envelope with the Cash deposit

If you can read the Terms and Conditions for your Scouts to attend Camp weekend at the bottom of the form, sign & date that you agree we would be very grateful.

As leaders we do enjoy taking the Scouts away as we see how much they enjoy doing these activities.

Terms and Conditions for your child coming to Camp and / or Hostel weekend

  • I understand than once I have paid the Cash deposit I will not get this back as it has been paid to cover costs in booking my Scouts place.unless the leaders cancel the camp.
  • I understand that once I have signed my Scout up to a Camp that I must pay the balance on the date set by the leaders.
  • I understand that I must fill in the form to give permission for my Scout to attend May Camp on the date set by the Leaders.
  • I understand that if my Scout does not come and has signed up for a Camp, I will pay for anything that the leaders have booked and paid for up to that point.
  • If my Scout changes their mind to come at the last minute, I understand it will not be possible for them to attend unless another Scout drops out as the leaders will have completed the H&S forms and booked the various activities.
  • Discipline - I understand that the Camp Leader reserves the right to send my child home if necessary and where this is the case I will be responsible for collecting my child from the event.

I agree to all of the above

Print Name:



Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
7th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - chef badge make sweet/savoury tart
10th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
10th February 2025

Cubs - International Badge
11th February 2025

Beavers - No Meeting School Holiday
14th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - No Meeting School Holiday
17th February 2025

Scouts - No Meeting
18th February 2025

Cubs - No Meeting School Holiday
18th February 2025

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