The 15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group is a registered charity and is self sufficient, raising money through its nominal fees, hall lets and fundraising activities. Our leaders and fundraisers are made up of active parents and members of our local community.
The Scout Committee organise and run events with support from other parents throughout the year to raise funds for the Group. The main fundraiser is the Christmas Coffee Afternoon and Shopping event.
We welcome parents onto the committee, so if you would like to join us just turn up at a meeting or contact us and we will call you for an informal chat. We welcome new ideas and suggestions.
The main thrust of our activities recently has been to secure funds to refurbish the Scout Hall and we recently secured a grant of £75,000 from the Whitelees Windfarm Fund. Please see the section on the left entitled New Scout Hall for further information on how we are proceeding.