15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group


Web statistics

In common with many commerical organisations we monitor the use of this website by collecting statistical user information. No personally identifiable data is collected in this process. Typically, we collect information about the number of visitors to the website, to each web page, the technology used to browse the internet and the domain from which the vistor originated. This information is used to understand the visitor's use of the website.


Cookies are small files which are sent to your web browser and stored on your computer's hard disk. These are created and transferred to your hard disk when logging into this website. These cookies are subsequently used to identify your computer and allow you repeated access to the website. The cookie is used purely to speed up your access to our website and the information you wish to see.

The majority of web browsers accept cookies, but you can usually change the browser settings to prevent their transfer. However, please be aware that, if you do so, you may be unable to login to the website.

Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
7th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - chef badge make sweet/savoury tart
10th February 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
10th February 2025

Cubs - International Badge
11th February 2025

Beavers - No Meeting School Holiday
14th February 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Explorers - No Meeting School Holiday
17th February 2025

Scouts - No Meeting
18th February 2025

Cubs - No Meeting School Holiday
18th February 2025

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