15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group


If you have any questions about the  expeditions please email or phone Shirley 

Email : shirls268@aol.com 

Phone number: 07733 116517

Can all parents please notify their explorer School that they may not be attending school on some of the days due to being on Expedition,  careful consideration is brought in to when dates are set for the explorers to do their expeditions around exams and school holidays and leaders commitments.

If a problem arrives your DofE leader will happily provide a letter.



To supply personal kit & food

Press here for DofE kit list

leaders supply (given out at the start point)

Tents, stoves, gas, pot, kettle, first-aid kit, survival bag, map bag (compass, map route cards, whistle, satellite tracker)

Press here for some helpful tips

After every expedition 

All Explorers must to the 15th Hall put tents up to dry & sweep them out

Hand in & wash the rest of the kit the leaders have supplied, they will not be allowed to go home until all this is done and checked with Shirley they may leave.

During the expedition, myself and Andy Carter (led the recent navigation training) are usually too busy supervising the Explorers to reply to text and e-mails from parents. We are also frequently in areas where phone signal can be weak or non-existent. If something arises please contact your local DofE Leader.

Length of time of DofE expeditions

LevelDuration Minimum hours of planned activities each day
Bronze2 days & 1 night 

At least 6 hours during the daytime (at least 3 of which must be spent journeying)

Silver3 days & 2 nights

At least 7 hours during the daytime (at least  3½ of which must be spent journeying)

Gold4 days & 3 nights 

At least 8 hours during the daytime (at least 4 of which must be spent journeying)

Notes: Time associated with overnight accommodation and catering is additional to the minimum daytime hours of planned activity. You have to undertake at least one practice expedition as part of your training. This may be more closely supervised than your final assessed expedition, which is remotely supervised to develop independence and a sense of personal responsibility.

Upcoming events

Beavers - International Activity Badge
17th January 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Cubs - World Membership Badge Activity
21st January 2025

Explorers- help run Cubs
21st January 2025

Scouts - orientating, hiker, hillwalker, navigator, geocaching
21st January 2025

Beavers - International Activity Badge / Burns Night
24th January 2025, 18:30 - 19:30

Scouts – hike at wind farm
28th January 2025

Cubs - Our World Challenge
28th January 2025

Explorers- Hike @ wind farm
28th January 2025, 19:00 - 20:30

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